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EECP Therapy: How Cardiologist looks at EECP

Updated: Oct 25, 2022

Actually EECP is not a new treatment, The principal of EECP is blood counter pulsation and this concept of counter pulsation also has been discussed in AYURVEDA more than 5000 years ago.

The purpose of EECP is to increase the diastolic blood flow from patients own blood and 20% increase in diastolic blood pressure increase 40% supply to the coronary arteries moreover this process improves the endothelium function by releasing Nitric Oxide from endothelial layer. Improved endothelium function restores the elasticity of coronary arteries and open thousands of inactive collateral's around the blockages moreover production of Co-Enzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and Nitric Oxide increase the rate of angiogensis within Heart Muscles. Overall these Collateral's creates thousands of Natural Bypass around the blockages resulting the extra blood becomes available to the heart muscles to function properly.

For several years EECP has not been considered in the first-line of treatment for Angina (Blockages in Coronary Arteries) by Interventional Cardiologist. Rather, it is only reserved for patients who have not achieved good results from interventional management and Medicines of their symptoms. Interventional Cardiologist have considered EECP only after Angioplasty, Bypass Surgery & Medication.

On the other hand Non-Interventuinal cardiologist prefer Medication, Lifestyle Changes & Non - Invasive Therapies like USA-FDA Approved EECP, Oxygen Therapy & Chelation Therapy.

In last one decade the acceptance and belief towards non - invasive therapies has increased rapidly. The reason is very clear RESULT. Invasive procedures have lot of RISK complications and limitation. Dispite of so much advancement in the Medical Science the Risk of HEART ATTACK does not change after ANGIOPLASTY or Bypass Surgery. The latest research done in HARWARD UNIVERAITY clearly shows that Angioplasty done after 24 hours of MI (Myocardial Infraction) is not useful.

Apart from clinical research and the way how the heart treatment have been promoted in the word by Medical Professionals always forget one very important point for the well being of heart patient which is CAUSE of Heart Disease. If you have met any Cardiologist or Heart Surgeons in the past, just check yourself how many Cardiologists explained that the major cause of Heart Blockages are poor lifestyle and how it should be controlled. I am sure you might not have seen any Cardiologist who are talking about Lifestyle.

HEART DISEASE & DIABETICS ARE THE LIFESTYLE DISEASE, That is for sure. All the doctors and patients are agree with this statement and this is only one sentence where there is No Controversy. In the reality check things are just opposite, less then 6.5% of interventional cardiologist teach and discuss lifestyle practices for more than 3 minutes rather they consult about Medicines, Medical Checkups, Procedures and little bit about future fallow ups. Patients also have been programmed in their subconscious mind to believe that they will be cured by good doctors only. This is the real surprise because KEY POINT is always missing which is the CAUSE. Just Imagine Mr. X has lost his Car Keys in the Home but right now Mr. X is in the office so he starts searching the keys in the Office itself. He spend 5 hours searching the keys in the office and he requested his another 4-5 colleagues to search the car keys. But did Mr. X gets the keys in the office ?. The answer is NO. I hope you understand WHY. This is a very simple logic to understand why not even a single heart patient have been cured in the word till today.

So what about those who are cured. The answer is very simple ... They just fallowed RIGHT LIFESTYLE PRACTICES.. WHICH IS .. RIGHT FOOD ..RIGHT ROUTINE AND RIGHT THOUGHT PROCESS.

It doesn't matter whether a heart patient go for Invasive procedure like Angioplasty, Bypass Surgery or Non Invasive procedure like EECP, Oxygen Therapy, Chelation Therapy or any other procedure. Any kind of treatment will not prevent the growth of heart disease over a period of time. All these treatment procedures will subside the symptoms of chest pain (Angina) for sometime.

Patient & Cardiologist need to understand that any interventional procedure and medication will only help to reduce the symptoms of Chest Pain for the duration up to 5 years. The meta analysis of different clinical research shows that more than 75% patient repeat their symptoms in less than 5 years of time. On the other hand EECP does much better job as compare to intervention like Angioplasty or Bypass Surgery because EECP is one of the procedure which improves Endothelium function naturally and a heart patients requires lower does of medication to control the symptoms of chest pain. With the development of thousands of completely new channel a natural bypass is created and these channels provide a protection mechanism for the future heart attacks.

EECP may also benefit patients with such other medical conditions as erectile dysfunction, kidney disease, eye disease, diabetic neuropathy, and other circulatory disorders. More research is needed to evaluate the outcomes of EECP for these patients.

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